Gold Medal Popcorn Machine Parts

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Light Bulb 45 Watt

Shatter Resistant Incandescent Bulb. Silicone coated. Perfect for Gold Medal Fun Pop 4oz. & 8oz. Popcorn Machines. 45 Watt, R20,Coated 130V Complies with FDA CFR Food Code

Light Bulb 65 watt

65 Watt Bulb for small Gold Medal poppers. Features a protective Silicone coating for shatter resistance. Complies with FDA CFR Food Code. Reduces the hazard of shattering glass inside popcorn machine. *CLICK PRODUCTS NAME FOR INFO*

4oz. Fun Pop Kettle 54000

Replacement kettle for Gold Medal Fun Pop 2404

6 ounce Kettle complete 56000

6 oz. kettle for Gold Medal Machines

8oz. Fun Pop Kettle 58000

Replacement Kettle for Gold Medal Fun Pop 2408

Drive Motor 47038

KETTLE DRIVE MOTOR, 120V, for small Gold Medal poppers 47038

Gear Block 67194

Replacement GEAR BLOCK ASSEMBLY 67194

Heat Element 49081

1000 watt element for 6oz. kettle

Heat Switch Gold Medal 42798

On/off DPST Heat Switch rocker type. 20 amp with green indicator light. For use on many Gold Medal cotton candy & popcorn machines..*CLICK ON NAME FOR INFO*

Rocker Switch 42532

Illuminated rocker switch for light or motor

Toggle Switch 47201

On/Off toggle switch

Spur Gear 47059K Set of 2

Replacement spur gear for kettle or motor set of 2