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Products tagged with 'Kettle Corn Sweet and Salty'
Glaze Pop
Glaze Pop - the hassle-free way to make sweet popcorn! Easily make Caramel Corn, Kettle Corn, or any of the other great Sweet Corn flavors in the same kettle or pot with your kernels and oil. KOSHER *** CLICK ON PRODUCT'S NAME FOR FLAVOR’S & TO ORDER***
From $4.95
Sweet & Salty Kettle Corn Kit
All in 1 package for making Kettle Corn in any 4 oz.(or larger) popcorn machine, Whirley Pop, or your big pot on the stove! Tastes like the festivals! *CLICK ON NAME FOR MORE INFO*
Monster Mushroom Popcorn GM2035
Gold Medal's Monster sized Hybrid Mushroom Kernels. Perfect for caramel or kettle corn. (Contains 15% Butterfly kernels) MADE IN USA - Kosher Pareve and Halal
From $4.95
Pop Maxx Pappy's Kettle & Maple Corn Machine Gold Medal 2552KC
12-14 oz. Kettle. Medium Size. Custom designed for popping Maple, Glaze, or Kettle corn. Lower wattage kettle helps prevent burning. Uni-Maxx® Kettle. Heated Deck CLICK NAME FOR INFO