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Products tagged with 'gold medal machines'
Gold Medal Antique Deluxe Sixty Special on a Cart
The show piece of all 6 oz. Deluxe Popcorn Machines on a striking red cart. Antique styling combines with a "powerhouse" machine. PowerOff Control! GM 2660GT/2659CR
Econo 8 #2388
Best Buy in US made 8oz. Popcorn Machines. A lot of popping capacity for a very small price. Great Entry Level Popper! Popcorn scoop included with popper. GOLD2388
Gold Medal Ultra 60 Special 2656
Our best selling popcorn machine! A great buy! Features EZ Kleen stainless steel kettle - removable for easy cleaning. New Auto Shutoff kettle. CLICK ON NAME FOR INFO
Gold Medal 60 Special Popper 2085
Best value for a popper with easily removable E-Z Kleen Kettle. Fast warm up! Heated Corn Deck! Popcorn scoop included with popper.
Popalot 8 Ounce Kettle Machine 2007
This is the largest sized cabinet for an 8oz. Popcorn Machine. It's Gold Medal's "Top of the Line" 8oz Popper! Now with PowerOff Control!! CLICK ON PRODUCTS NAME FOR MORE INFO
2556 Discovery 32 oz. on Base
2556 features superior Pop-O-Gold 32oz. kettle in a value line cabinet. Carnival design encourages a fun filled atmosphere. 2556 Popper/63810 BASE. CLICK NAME FOR INFO
Olde Orleans Block Ice Shaver 1087
Gold Medal 1087 This is one of the most powerful Ice Shavers in the World All Stainless Steel Construction. Designed for High volume users.
Super Pop Maxx - 16 oz. 2600
Pop lots of popcorn where you don't have a lot of space! This Popper has a large Popping Capacity on a standard 15 amp line. CLICK NAME FOR INFO
Shav-A-Doo Sno Kone Machine GM1203-00-000
UL Listed! New compact design with a built-in Drip Pan. One of the most dependable and best selling compact Snow Cone machines. Ideal entry level ice shaver for lower volume shaved ice needs, Schools, Fundraisers, and Youth Sports