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Products tagged with 'cotton candy machine parts'
Whirl Grip Floss Stabilizer Kit Gold Medal #3010
The Whirl Grip Floss Stabilizer deters cotton candy from flying out of the pan. Includes Mesh Screen & 6 plastic clips. Fits all size pans. Easy Install *CLICK ON NAME FOR INFO*
Heat Ribbon 5" Gold Medal #42565
Used on Gold Medal Model 3077 Super Floss Maxx (2 ribbons) or 3015A X-15 Whirlwind Floss Machine. Nickel Nikrome Wire with Brown Ceramic Insulation.*CLICK ON NAME FOR INFO*
Floss Pan Clips - Plastic (Single) - Gold Medal #77470-12
Plastic clasps for use with most cotton candy pans. Ensures a tight fit between Whirl Grip Mesh Stabilizer and pan- Keeps floss from flying everywhere.*CLICK ON NAME FOR INFO*
Heat Ribbon 5 1/2" Gold Medal #42279
Replacement ribbon heat element for Econo-floss 3017,3017SS, Floss boss 3024, electronic heat control machines. Nickel wire. Insulated terminal points CLICK ON NAME FOR INFO
Heat Ribbon 7" Gold Medal #43004
7" replacement ribbon for Gold Medal Tornado 3005SS floss machine. (Tornado uses Two 7" Ribbon). For electronic heat control machines.*CLICK ON NAME FOR INFO*
Heat Switch 43141
On-Off motor switch toggle 30amp. For use on Gold Medal low profile floss machines manufactured after 10/1993
Floss Band Double 5 1/2" 43165D
5½" Double Floss Band. For use on Gold Medal 3077 Series Floss-Maxx & 3015A, X-15 Machines.