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Products tagged with 'commercial sno cone machine'
Gold Medal Deluxe Sno Konette 1002-00-000
Deluxe model with a Stainless Steel Dome that features an illuminated sign. UL Sanitation approved. The Deluxe SnoKonette is the shaver of choice for operator safety.
Gold Medal Sno Konette Ice Shaver 1003S
The Sno Konette was the worlds first complete ice shaver with display case. It began its life back in 1947 and has been improved dozens and dozens of times!Truly a shaving powerhouse!
Gold Medal Shavatron 1020-00-100
The Amusement Park favorite! One of the biggest and best Ice Shaver - Sno Kone machine we sell. The powerful design of the Shavatron will produce huge SnoKone‚ profits.